Chen Lab's Research

Our research focuses on 3D bioprinting and biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications. We explore new knowledge of cell-material interactions in the full range of physical dimensions (from nano- to micro- to meso-scale), time span (from femtoseconds to months), and biological dimensions (from molecular to cellular to tissue). Our group not only investigates the fundamental scientific issues, such as cell interactions with micro and nano-environments, biomaterials science, and biomechanics, but also solves the technological and translational issues associated with tissue/organ repair and regeneration.

Press and interviews about our work have appeared in NIH Director’s Blog, NIH Research Matters, NSF News, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, EurekAlert!, The Economic Times, Yahoo News, CNBC News, ABC News, etc. Our research has resulted in many patents/provisional patents. Some of them were licensed to companies (e.g. Allegro 3D, Inc.) with significant economic impact.

Specific Research Topics are:
1. 3D Printing and Bioprinting with Artificial Intelligence
2. Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering
3. Biomaterials and Nanomaterials
4. Organ/Tissue-on-a-Chip

Group Highlights

Dr. Shaochen Chen

Dr. Chen

Zable Endowed Chair of NanoEngineering Department, UCSD


  • Our 3D bioprinted ventricular wall model is a part of this Nature paper: Click Here for Paper Access and Click Here for Video
  • Our paper: "High Cell Density and High Resolution 3D Bioprinting for Fabricating Vascularized Tissues", is now published in Science Advances
  • Dr. Chen was awarded as a BRITE fellow of NSF to develop an intelligent nanoscale biomanufacturing platform to create human-on-a-chip (2022). Read more
  • Dr. Chen is elected to the US National Academy of Inventors. Read more
  • Dr. Chen is elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts for his pioneering work in 3D printing, bioprinting and tissue engineering (2021).
  • Our paper on "3D-Printed Bionic Corals" is published in Nature Communication.
  • Our work on "Biomimetic 3D-Printed Scaffolds for Spinal Cord Injury" is now published in Nature Medicine. This work was also reported by NIH Director's Blog in June 2019.

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